Discipleship P.A.T.H.

A Path is a "trodden way," created by generations who have gone before us.  Although others have gone before, each person’s discipleship PATH will look different.  We like to think about Mosaic's Discipleship Path like a clover leaf on a highway, which allows you to access the highway from many directions, access and explore new roads, or simply go back over roads you're familiar with.

We use the acronym P.A.T.H. to describe where you might be on your Discipleship Path:


  • Exploring faith or maybe just beginning your journey of faith and searching for your purpose in life


  • On the road of following Jesus, but wanting to accelerate on your journey


  • Comfortably traveling with Jesus, practicing spiritual disciplines, and looking for new ways to grow in your faith

Higher Gear

  • Shifting to higher gears to really cruise with Jesus.  Going deeper in areas you've already traveled and even exploring new ground

Mosaic has developed principles to help anyone, to join Mosaic on God’s great adventure.   

The ultimate goals of the discipleship path is for a person:

  • to become mature in their faith producing fruit (John 15:1-5), and
  • to make other disciples (Matthew 28:19).



Online & Indoor In-Person Services  10:00am 

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