
R.E.S.T. Sleep

June 6, 2021

Passage: Psalm 130:1–7

God created our bodies to need rest.  Rest is restorative and healing.  Rest comes in the form of sleep and play.  This two part series explores the positive impact of rest in our lives.  

Part-One, June 6 we explore the need for sleep.  The psalmist writes of a sleepless night in Psalm 130.  The psalmist tosses and turn as the writer is in need of the Lord's forgiveness. 

The Psalm points forward to the forgiveness we received through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.  When we receive the goodness of God's grace and mercy, we are able to settle our hearts and minds to drift into restorative sleep.  

Online & Indoor In-Person Services  10:00am 

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