
Lent Daily Devotional

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Lent is an invitation.  The church calendar sets aside forty days (excluding Sundays) every year to remember the journey Jesus took to the cross. We end this long slow season with the celebration of Easter.  The invitation is one to draw closer to Jesus and intentionally seek Him.  We seek Him through spiritual disciplines. Some of the spiritual disciplines are reading Scripture, prayer, Sunday worship, fasting, and giving.

This year, beginning Feb 20th, we will be studying: "Your People Forever" based on I & II Chronicles from:

He Reads Truth for guys and She Reads Truth for gals. (Both sites use the same materials; I understand they may be having some web issues).

The daily devotional is free, but there are other resources for purchase to support you're discipleship growth.

Online & Indoor In-Person Services  10:00am 

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