
Holy Week Worship

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You are invited: 

Healing Service, March 28, 7pm - in-person only. The Tuesday before Holy Week, we will gather and receive healing.  This is a great way to prepare our hearts and minds for Easter.

Palm Sunday, April 2, 10am - Both in-person and on-line.

Maundy Thursday, April 6, 7pm - in-person only.  

Good Friday, April 7, 7pm - in-person only.  

Walking the Road to Easter takes discipline.  It requires a sacrifice of time and slowing down.  When we slow our pace, we make space for the Holy Spirit to move in our lives. Easter Sunday celebration is glorious when we have walked the road to Easter. 

In a seven day span from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, the pages of Scripture record the road to Easter Sunday.  Palm Sunday, Jesus is hailed as king.  The crowds cheered for Him riding into the city of Jerusalem on a donkey.  Days later, the crowds jeered and shouted to crucify Him.  On Good Friday, Jesus' epithet read, "king of the Jews."  Easter Sunday, we rejoice and hail Jesus as the King reigning in heaven seated at the right hand of the Father. 

In between, those Sundays Jesus spent intimate time with His disciples.  He celebrated the Last Supper on what is now called Maundy Thursday.  Maundy is derived from the Latin word, command.  It was during the Passover meal Jesus gave to His disciples a new commandment, "to love another as you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." John 13:34, ESV.  Jesus demonstrated what this looked like as He washed His disciples feet.  

Good Friday we mourn as we remember the reason for Jesus' suffering and death.  Jesus suffered pain and agony for us.  He endured physical, emotional and spiritual suffering as all the sin of the world for all of time was placed on Him. God the Father received His Son as the sacrifice.  

Easter Sunday, we celebrate the new life offered to us as Jesus is resurrected on the first day of the week.  Easter is the promise of hope.  It is joyous celebration!

You are invited to walk the road to Easter. 






Online & Indoor In-Person Services  10:00am 

Join us Sunday